Autumnal Delights at Home

Hello my lovely friends! Are you enjoying autumn so far? I certainly am. I've been indulging in all my favourite autumnal things and this post is full of them. Of course, I'd love to hear what you have been doing to celebrate the season so please do let me know. Here's what has been going on in my home...

Yarn News

I am so excited (and terrified) about this. I will be participating in the Virtual Yorkshire Yarn Fest on the 29th of October! It's hosted live on the Yorkshire Yarn Fest's Instagram account. I will get 15 minutes live to have a chat with you and showcase my yarn.

If it goes well I shall certainly be doing it again. I had intended to attend the Knitting and Stitching show in Harrogate this year but WOW - the cost of doing so is beyond the scope of my little business at the moment! Maybe in a couple of years if all goes to plan. 

So please do keep an eye out here and on my Instagram account for details as to when I will be live with my yarn. I'd love to see you there.

Through the Kitchen Window

I write a monthly post for Homeschool Nature Study members (formerly The Outdoor Hour Challenge) which focuses on the home and seasons. One of my inserts is called Through the Kitchen Window and it was inspired one late afternoon as I was finishing up in the garden as the sun slipped away. My eye was drawn to my kitchen which was lit up and looked cosy as I stood in the nippy air.

It suddenly struck me once again what an important part of the home the kitchen is. It's where we prepare nourishing food for our families, where we share a cup of tea with friends and neighbours, where we cook delicious things that have no nutritional value whatsoever but oh my...they taste so SO good.

Yes, a lot of living happens in the kitchen.

I have also been bitten by the nesting bug. It happens every autumn and spring. I feel the need to cosy up my home in autumn and cook and bake so that the chest freezer is packed with warming soups, and other homely dishes which comfort our souls in the cold weather. 

This has revealed that I am in dire need of more freezer-safe containers so it's on my list of things to deal with this weekend!

In the Garden

The garden is still looking rather lovely although it is definitely on borrowed time. The crowning glory at the moment is the Virginia Creeper that is covering the garage which I showed you in the last post.

Autumn is the time for planting spring bulbs so that is exactly what we did this past weekend.

We planted 300 bulbs in the garden. We already have a fair few but I have visions of spring being a riot of colour. We planted a significant amount of bulbs in our woodland garden. Lots of bluebells which I love. Apparently, they are best in their second flowering period so I will try not to be too disappointed if next May we have a poor show.

Autumn Walks

Need I say more? Who else has been enjoying autumn walks this month? I wish I had time to sit down and work in my nature journal to capture the season but I simply do not have it!

Seasons of life I guess... the time will come again when study commitments will fall away and I shall have time to enjoy the simple creative pleasures that make my heart sing.

Please do share what you have been up to this beautiful month. Until next time...

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