Yarn Along :: Late Autumn Notebook

I took a little break from DH's Weekend Jersey this past week to knit up a little ear-warmer head band thing ;o)

I'm fairly happy with it although I think I need to adjust the length to be a little shorter on my next one.

My girls love it and so I have requests to keep knitting them!

I'm thinking that these would be great craft stall sellers. What do you think? Is it something you would buy if you were at a craft fair? I would love your opinion as my 2014 goal is to book a table and start selling - a beginning to a small cottage business which has been a long time dream ;o) 

Reading - still busy on my Gervase Phinn book which I shared last week. I am enjoying it so far - a lovely light read.

Joining Ginny for Yarn Along and
Frontier Dreams for Keep Calm and Craft On


  1. Yes, yes! go for it! My daughter and I stock an Etsy shop and carry all our hand-crafts to two holiday bazaars each year in November. So much fun!

    Love the button and flower, by the way. Very cute!

  2. love the flower and button accent! Can you believe winter is around the corner? where did autumn go?

  3. I think those will sell great at craft fairs. The button totally makes it. Have a great Thanksgiving!

  4. those are adorable and would be a great craft fair item.......love them!!

  5. so cute, and a perfect craft fair item!

  6. I think these are a perfect craft fair item. I love the flower accent with the wooden button.

  7. That is gorgeous, I love the Autumnal colours. Deb x

  8. I think those would definitely sell at a craft booth.

  9. Pretty! I love the flower detail, really finishes it off

  10. that's a lovely color you've used for the ear-warmer! love it :)

  11. very nice! & warm, i guess!
    just dropped by your blog & shall return :-)
    hello from hamburg, germany

  12. That looks super-yes I would consider buying it a craft fair- good luck!

  13. Thank you for all your encouraging comments! I am so inspired to start producing these cute little ear-warmers and begin stocking my Etsy shop - which I have had for ages but lacked the confidence to stock LOL.


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