OHC :: November World

Our November World focus started with my own preparation - reading pages 1 and 2 of my Handbook of Nature Study as suggested by Barb. I was really glad I did as it reminded me that I needed to just let my girls engage with their environment. Sometimes I can be a bit teachy!

I started off our morning by reading Janet Marsh's Nature Diary. We read all the November entries. This must have inspired my girls because they immediately asked if we could go for a nature walk to see what they could see. I had not at this point told them what our nature focus was to be - I'm glad that by reading this 'living' book they were inspired to go out themselves.

Like I said, reminded of just letting the girls engage with nature directly, I asked them each to grab their camera's and just snap away at what November's World had to offer us. So...they did. Here is our 'November's World' Study - through their eyes.

Wet and squelchy


The sun riding low in the sky

Pathways littered with leaves

Brown and yellow tones


Funny fungi

rushing creeks

and mostly bare branches.

Not pictured but enjoyed -  frosty mornings, our first snowfall - which settled on my car but not on the ground.
Biting wind, cold icy days, dear little robins darting in and out of the hedgerows while we walked, our bird feeders - very busy,  and watery winter sunshine :o)

Joining in with Barb and the OHC Blog Carnival


  1. Your funny fungi is so very interesting! I have never seen anything like that before. Thanks so much for sharing your entry with the OHC blog carnival.

  2. Lovely pictures of your November! I wonder if those fungi are Dead Man's Fingers?

  3. Pictures are gorgeous, I wish we could've joined you!.


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