A Yarn Along of Sorts

Not many words today as I am on the fly! Been knitting...

Right now...

Hubby getting the lawn under control

and coals burning bright - ready for a BBQ tonight :o) - it's too much of a lovely evening not to eat and cook al fresco! While we are outside...

We can take a look at the veggie patch. I am generally pleased with the progress of everything - except my tomatoes, wish they would hurry up and grow!  I hope it survives our week away with no TLC! 

Joining Ginny


  1. Your new picture is cute! Enjoy the beautiful weather!

  2. the garden is beautiful! Love the new header and the knitting!!

  3. What a cute little punkin! :) love the red and white... What's that going to be?

    1. It's going to be a dishcloth Liz. My old ones are looking a little grey and drab - time for a color injection!

  4. Missed your regular yarn along post today. Hope all is well and happy!


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