Monday, November 05, 2012

Remember, Remember...

the 5th of November. Of gunpowder, treason and plot.

This week-end has seen the skies over Chesterfield alight with fireworks. Guy Fawkes or Bonfire night is quite a big deal here in England and it seems that everyone revels in the opportunity for a bit of fun.

We let off our own fireworks on Saturday evening - a little early, but Monday is a work day and with DH running a hotel, we can never be absolutely sure of him getting out early. With the amount of firework displays we have glimpsed over the weekend (we live on a hill so can see for miles around), it seems that allot of other people have the same idea!

If you are celebrating Guy Fawkes in your neck of the woods, have fun, and remember to keep your lovely pets safe and sound over this loud and sparkly time :o)

1 comment:

  1. The fireworks are beautiful! It looks like you had a lovely time!

    Mrs. White


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