Birthday Cake

So about that birthday cake... well, it took me MUCH longer to decorate than I initially thought it would. Barbie ended up being far too tall and leggy to fit into her 'skirt' so a Brat doll had to fill in for her. I'm not thrilled with the result...

but my daughter is. I have a new appreciation for cake decorators, it is a real art and far more difficult than they make it look on 'Ace of Cakes!' lol

Anyhoo, we chose a red and white hearts theme, might as well considering valentines day has just past. The top of her skirt has a series of hearts and as you can see the skirt is dotted with red flowers.

Unfortunately getting the white icing all the way around the skirt proved to be a bit trickier than I had anticipated. We ended up having a little gap at the back, so we chose a blue 'underskirt dotted with yellow flowers to trail behind our princess (which is the exact reason why I am less than thrilled with the result!) I'm thinking that this must be easier if you have the correct tools. I am keen to get a few basics and give it another go - perhaps make and Easter cake.

So that kicks off our week-end. Tomorrow is full of the promise of fun, friends and yummy party food. My daughter assures me that these is absolutely no way she will be able to sleep tonight ;o) That won't be the case for me! I will float off to sleep on the wings of dreams, to the land of cakes, icing and flowers ;o)

Have a great week-end everyone...

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