The Versatile Blogger Award

Wow! My first award. Thank you Serena for nominating me! You are so kind!

So, here are the rules for this award:

    Thank the person(s) who nominated you and link back up them. Tell Readers 7 things about yourself. Pass this award onto 15 newly discovered bloggers and let them know.
    So - 7 things about me, hmmmm...
    1. I am quite a thoughtful person and have to guard against completely loosing myself in my silent musings -lol - I tend to over think things
    2. I love the smell of freshly cut grass, rain as it begins to fall and the smell of new books. I'm one of those strange, sad people in book stores you catch with her nose between the pages breathing in deeply.
    3. I love cooking, like baking, find housework a pleasant task once I get going but hate ironing.
    4. I L-O-V-E Airedales and miss my beloved Alex terribly. He has a lovely new home but I secretly wished him not to have settled as well as he has so that I could pay to have him sent over to me! I consider myself to be totally spoilt now and will not consider any other breed of dog, so my husband is destined to have to spend BIG money on a puppy one day -LOL
    5. I'm a listy! Self-confessed list-maker and organizer of note. I have a feeling I drive my darling husband mad sometimes with my need to plan - but if I do, he hasn't said anything yet - perhaps its love - ;o)
    6. I love to write! In fact I have started writing a little devotional book for homeschooling moms. I would love to write full time one day once the season of raising and educating children is over.
    7. I am a Brambly Hedge super fan! I just cannot get enough of those beautiful illustrations. I can spend ages examining the detail. I wish I could draw like that - but I can't ;o)
    My 15 Versatile Bloggers Are:
    Please do visit these blogs. Each one is a favourite for a different reason, each one inspiring.


      1. Ohh thank you so much! To think that you find my blog inspiring is such a nice thing to hear! I will of course do this tomorrow, there´s so many many inspiring blogs I read!
        Thank you so much !
        Kimmy x

      2. p.s. did you know that Brambly Hedge is available on DVD? the most gentle , gorgeous DVD´s we own!!
        I love it , too, I don´t think there´s a nicer children´s series out there!

      3. Wow, thank you. What an honor! I wish I could nominate you again, because I find your blog very inspiring and always a beautiful to visit. : )

      4. Thank you so much!!! I am a list maker and I rarely complain about the housework. We are soul sisters :)

      5. Thank you so much for this honor. And so nice to learn more about you. I can't wait for a block of time to pop over to read these other blogs.

      6. Thanks, sweet Shirley. I need to get my head around continuing the award. But we could get into a loop here, because I find your blog so inspiring too.

      7. Shirley, you're so sweet. Thank you for thinking of me. :)

      8. Thank you Shirley. I have to say that I saw that you awarded this to me the other day and just now have finally been able to sit down, think about it and hopefully be able to soon pass the love along.

        Thanks for thinking of me... I still don't know what to think or say. You're too kind.


      Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate each and every one left for me.