Themes and Plans for September

Welcome September! Welcome Autumn! This is by far my most favourite season. I love the heady atmosphere that surrounds this season. Feeling as strongly as I do about the season - planning for it is always fun! Here are plans for September:

hedgerows full of ripe blackberries
blustery winds
Autumn Equinox (21)
shortening days
smell of woodsmoke in the air
                                                      birds migrating
                                                      leaves changing color
                                                      busy squirrels
                                                      harvest time

 Sort out clothing cupboards, donate clothes that no longer fit
 Make a list of winter clothing needs
 Add Autumn touches to decorate home
Have boiler and central heating system serviced
 preserve garden harvest
 bring out quilts and blankets
deep clean kitchen cuboards ready for winter pantry stockpile

apple and blackberry pies
homemade soups
hearty stews


Full moon this month - Harvest or Corn moon (closest to equinox)
Saying: If St Michael brings many acorns, Christmas will cover the fields with snow
Gem: Sapphire
Flower: Aster
Highland gatherings
Well dressing
Conkers - a traditional game played by children with the fruit of the horse-chestnut tree (Eng. Trad.)


Heritage Open Days (8-11) - celebrating England's architecture and culture
International Literacy Day (8)
British Food Fortnight (17 - 2/10) - plan traditional British food for these 2 weeks
International Day of Peace
Roald Dahl Day (13)
Harvest Festivals (trad. 24th was the day on which harvest began in medieval England)
Remember: Fire of London raged (26)

Holy Rood (cross) day (14) - traditionally children let off school to gather nuts
Michaelmas Day (29)

Arts & Craft

       acorn necklaces
         Flower Fairies
         Pounded Flowers
                                                             Weave an Autumn Tree
                                                        Foliage Friends
                                                     Nature Fabric Prints
                                                         Peanut Pals (this looks like allot of fun)

Seasonal Decorating Ideas

Jars of leaves and seeds (Fill glass jars with fall leaves and seeds to display)
Fabric pumpkins and corn cobs
Complete Cross Stitch Pumpkin Sampler

This forms my basic plans for September. Having noted days of interest etc I will now be able to plan what we are going to do to mark Roald Dahl Day for example. In the Arts and Crafts section I have listed cute little projects that would be fun to do. They are not related to our Artist study in any way. As for my Seasonal Decorating ideas, these will be added to as we go. I might see something cute on eBay to add or in the craft store. I will pop back later in the month once the decorating has been done give you a peek ;o) I am loving the American Primitive look at the  mo, so would love to try my hand at making a few things. I have made a little 'scrapbook' page of neat ideas that look fairly simple to try.

Happy Autumn everyone! Hope you find lots of fun ways to celebrate God's natural world in your home.


  1. I love Autumn also! I've enjoyed reading your entry - you have so many ideas and plans! And enthusiasm! You're right, the Peanut people DO look like alot of fun. Have you made any yet? As far as nature crafts, my sister & I collected leaves, twigs, nuts, etc. then made decorative stepping stones using the collected items. They were fairly easy to make,they turned out nice, and we gave them away as Christmas presents. Twas great fun.

  2. I haven't attempted the peanut people yet Gail, but really am looking forward to trying them out - perhaps this week! Your decorative stepping stones sound wonderful!


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