Podcast - Episode 1

Huge announcement! My very first episode of my podcast is up on YouTube! After 3 attempts at filming, editing etc it's finally done. You can go and watch it HERE.


I have started a Ravelry group for friends of the Podcast so please do join the group so we can chat and share what we are working on there. If you watch this episode you will see that I have a giveaway in celebration of my first podcast episode. All the details on how to enter are on the podcast right at the end. It would be such fun if you entered so watch the bit on how to enter and hop on over to my friends of the podcast group.

There were a couple of Etsy shops that I mentioned where I had bought yarn. For yarn from Stray Cat Socks visit HERE
For yarn from Hand Dyed By Kate visit HERE
For yarn from Viking Yarns visit HERE
Michelle from African Yarns .

Little Bobbins Podcast visit HERE



  1. Congratulations, a wonderful achievement.

  2. What a joy to hear your voice!! I would love, LOVE to one day visit England. It's on my bucket list. LOL!!

  3. Hats, knitted ones, or fabric ones, or perhaps even embroidered ones, off to you! Keep it up.

  4. I very much enjoyed your podcast and look forward to the next one! You did a great job with the finished product, very relaxing "visit".

  5. Finally got some quiet time to sit and enjoy your podcast. Lovely to put a voice and face to a writer :) Looking forward to seeing the next episode!

  6. I enjoyed this so much! I really felt as if I were sitting right there with you having a nice chat. (And I'm not even a knitter, but I do love to cross-stitch!) I'm looking forward to the next podcast!


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I appreciate each and every one left for me.