A Little Home Blessing

I love blessing my family in various ways and lately it seems that I have been too busy rushing about to do much of that. But the summer holidays are now here! Whooohooo! and life slows down enough that I can bless those who matter most to me with little treats...

And something that will catch their eye and bring them a little reminder of God's goodness to us all...

And some remembrance poppies I planted a few months back...

The perfect reminder to our family of those who entered into a war 100 years ago to defend our freedom and our land, and paid the ultimate price.

'Lest we forget' - (may we never do so!)

Blessings in Christ to you all...


  1. Hello :) visiting from the Strangers & Pilgrims Homemaking Monday link up.


  2. Lovely, and I agree, chocolate is a great way to show God's goodness! He created it :) Thanks for sharing Shirley!


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