Perfect Day...

Have you ever watched the intro to Beatrix Potters Peter Rabbit series? Oh it's just lovely! One of my favorite things. It opens with 'Beatrix Potter' painting in the Cumbrian countryside... it's all just so perfectly English and shows exactly what our lovely countryside is all about. Here, I'll show you...

I love how the rain washes the countryside clean - you can almost smell the rain hitting the earth. Well today is one of those days here in my bit of England. The scent's and scenes instantly conjured up memories of the clip shown above and of the song 'Perfect Day' by Miriam Stockley - which is just heavenly to listen too.

Wanna hear it?...

I love how puddles form and great big clouds dress the expanse of sky...

I love how the rain sits on the spring flowers, delicately balancing and dressing each leaf and petal with little 'diamonds'.

I love how it feels when I am inside looking out of the rain-speckled windows with a hot cup of tea cupped in  my hands, the steam gently drifting up and touching my face.


what a perfect day...

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  1. Thank you for the beautiful pictures and playlist, such a joy to stop by!

    San xx

  2. Pretty, pretty, pretty. Love the music, too!

  3. We watched those Beatrix Potter videos when my daughters were small. We loved them! And yes, the intro is simply marvelous.

  4. Yes, that intro is beautiful. It reminds me of when my oldest son was very young and watched the videos at his Grammy's house. Thank you for a lovely memory!

  5. How delightful those video clips are! I have seen them before and was mesmerized but the "Perfect Day" was new to me :) Thank you for the touch of beauty this morning!

  6. I LOVE the videos! They are momma's videos. ;o) We just watched all of them recently while we had the flu. ;o) I love the intro videos. Your rain pictures are very lovely. We have had a gloomy, rainy day here in Northern Delaware.

  7. What a wonderful post! Your spring seems to be slightly ahead of us, here in Virginia USA. Loving your blog. :)

  8. P.S. I just spent time visiting your Lent and Easter Pinterest boards. I loved them. I've hardly paid attention to Lent this year, and your wonderful images and creativity helped revive me a little bit...thank you.


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