Spring Nature Shelf - Beginnings

With the onset of spring, I was motivated this week to clear off our winter display and create the beginnings of our spring display. Initially, it is always a little bit bare, we add to it as the season progresses and we come across new things of interest.

As you can see, Brambly Hedge 'Spring Story' is now on the shelf, and The Country Diary of An Edwardian Lady is open at 'April'. We also have a little bouquet of spring flowers collected from the garden and I made some pretty paper bunting and strung it across the front of the shelf. Have you set up a spring nature table/shelf yet?

1 comment:

  1. Your shelf is LOVELY! I have up my The Country Diary right now on our shelf also! :) I need to clear ours off also! Can't wait to check out the Youtube videos! Thanks! :)



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