Out In Nature Once More

It is good to be out and about in nature with the girls once more. Now that spring is here we are finding so many things to delight us. Of course it is always a delight for me to see my girls exploring their surrounds.

Aconites carpet the ground under the trees. They are just so lovely

 Of course the daffs are always a delight, more so for me when I see them growing wild

Forsythia is in bloom all over the town and I have sprigs of it in the house. It really is a delight in spring!

The purple of this rather bedraggled hyacinth reminded me that it is just about bluebell time.

Each year we go and see the bluebells in full bloom at a woodland near to us. We have a lovely woodland nearby that is alive with bluebells in Spring. In fact we were just there yesterday for a quick walk and noted that the woodland floor and banks are already carpeted with bluebell leaves, a little promise of a magnificent display a little later on. 

There is a little note tapped onto the entrance of the woodland inviting all for a 'Bluebell Bimble' with one of the ranges in the middle of May. I have made a note in my diary so as not to miss it! If you live in the British Isles you can go to Visit Woods to find a bluebell woodland near you.

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