A Very Quick Share...

I love Nature Detectives! If you are a regular reader of my blog you know that I often link back to their site in my OHC posts as they have such great resources. I wanted to share one of their resources that I have just come across - I know it's a little late in the Advent day, but I couldn't resist sharing.

Nature Detectives have a choice of 3 Advent calendars that you can choose from. Each day you open gives you a fun nature Christmas activity that you do that day. Have fun opening each day...

Oh BTW - today at 12h12 it will be 12h12 of 12/12/12 - last time in our lifetime that we will see that :o)

1 comment:

  1. I'll have to take a peek at this! I love the falling snow on your blog and your lovely profile pic, maybe one day we might actually manage to meet!

    hugs to you from the frosty North

    San xx


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