Review: Hearts and Trees Kits

I first heard of 'Hearts and Trees' kits through Barb over at The Handbook Of Nature Study. These are great little kits that are put together by her daughter Amanda. Each kit has activities related to handcraft, nature study and art. When Barb asked me if my girls would like to try out a kit and if I would then review it here on Under An English Sky, we jumped at the chance!

We were given a choice of two kits and chose the Bubbles and Lavender kit - principally because we LOVE lavender - that aroma is just gorgeous! There was much excitement when the postman popped our package - all the way from the States - through our door.

I loved how it came packaged. Before even opening the kit, there is a list of what the kit contains. Immediately I notice that there is a broad range of activities and that this is not a kit that we are going to be able to do in an afternoon. There are a good couple of days worth of activities here - brilliant! That means that we can enjoy our kit and savour it over time. 

Our kit contains:

2 sewing projects
2 handcraft projects
1 painting project
1 drawing project
an artist study with a collection of notebooking pages and a high-quality glossy print for picture study
a  nature study collection of projects focusing on lavender.

As we looked through the kit, I was really impressed with all the thought and work that has gone into putting a kit together. The collection of artist and nature notebooking pages is impressive. 

As we looked through this well-stocked kit, each of the girls chose an activity that appealed to her. Ms J-L decided that she would do the bubble painting and Ms V-L chose to make the felt bracelet.

 I purposefully decided not to get involved in these activities as I wanted to see if they could follow the instructions independently. Each child had no problem with completing her chosen activity. The instructions are clear and well laid out, making it easy for a child of reading ability to follow.
Ms J-L following the instructions to make her bubble paint
The best part - making bubbles.
As a homeschooling mum, I enjoyed that fact that someone else had done all the legwork and even supplied me with everything I needed. This kit kept our afternoons busy for a week. Not only were the activities fun to do, but we learnt allot along the way.
Ms V-L working on her bracelet

The end result.
My girls are 12 and 14, perhaps a bit out of the target age range. Having said that, they still enjoyed the projects in this kit and we found that the notebooking pages were suitable and relevant for us. I would say that this product is best suited for ages 5 - 12. The sewing and handcraft projects can be easily tackled from about ages 4 - 5 with mums help, and with greater ease the older they get. 

Visit Hearts and Trees to have a look at Amanda's range of beautiful kits. All these kits are affordable and certainly give you value for money! 

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