
Each year, I seem to find myself against the clock in getting my spring bulbs into the ground. As a gardener, you constantly need to be thinking about the next season. This is not something I have mastered, hence the mad rush each autumn! To be fair, I did order my bulbs on time, the tricky bit was having to dig a bed for them. The girls and I started the back breaking work of cutting out sod early on last week. But there comes a time when my patience and endurance run out and the man of the house needs to take his rightful place! Brute strength was what was called for.

With busy work schedules, I knew that completing the bed would only happen over the weekend. Each morning I woke up to see if we had had a hard frost - not good when you want to get bulbs into the ground! Mercifully it held off . 

Sunday was the first opportunity we got to get into the garden. DH dutifully spent the afternoon digging, turning, planting and supervising :o) Two large beds were dug out and 150 bulbs planted. Today the rest of my bulbs arrived, but they are destined to fill some pretty pots - easy planting :o)

 One of the things on my garden wish list has been to plant an apple tree. When we first moved to England we were blessed to be living in a neighbourhood full of apple trees - free for anyone to help themselves to the abundant fruit. What a lovely autumn activity - not to mention delicious- to participate in! So on Saturday we popped by our local nursery and bought our first apple tree. On Sunday it was lovingly planted - the start of our orchard :o)

We picked some of the delicious apples that were weighing down the thin branches - how pretty they look. Tonight some of them have been popped into our pork sausage casserole. Yum!

So that wraps up our weekending. This week is set to be a restful one for us. I'm looking forward to doing some more autumnal crafting. I am slowly working my way through my Pinterest autumn crafting board and loving every minute of it! 

Autumn Blessings Everyone...

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