Liebster Blog Award

You know, I have 'met' some lovely people in blog-land. I do so wish that we could sit face to face with a cuppa tea and have a good natter. When you read a new post, you are reading a little more into their lives. Each person, sharing a little of who they are and what they are about. In the bigger picture - we are all living ordinary lives, trying to do our best at whatever it is we do, trying to get along in this world. And getting along with a little encouragement and a kind word from friends makes the journey that little more special ;o)

Serena from Casting Pearls nominated me for the Liebster Blog Award - thank you Serena ;o)

Now Serena shared that the word 'Liebster' is a German word which means 'dearest'. The Liebster Blog award is given to up and coming blogs with 200 or less followers,

So the way this award works is to link back to the nominator - that would be Serena ;o) - who's blog I simply love to visit! She is a beautiful Christian mama who is a fellow homeschooler and a GREAT knitter! Aaahh, a kindred spirit ;o)

The next thing is to share 5 other inspiring blogs - all of whom have less than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blogs and let them know that they are nominated for this cute award.

THEN... post the award on your blog and enjoy the warm fuzzy feeling of friendship shared over the miles!

So, my five nominees are:

1. Hoeks-in-UK - my dear friend Desiree, who also left South Africa 8 months before us to make a new life in England. Even though I don't see enough of her it is some comfort knowing that there is someone else who is on the same journey and totally 'gets' the experience of this change.

2. A 2nd Generation of homeschooling -  beautiful blog! I always leave inspired.

3. This Blessed Life - if you hold dreams of living the simple, self-sufficient life - this is a great blog to visit.

4. Old-Fashioned Motherhood - a new-to-me blog that I came across. I love blogs where I can find encouragement in being the wife and mother God wants me to be.

5. Rosie's Ramblings - I so loved visiting  Jewels' blog, Eyes of Wonder. Her love for the Lord was just so beautiful. I, along with so many others, found her to be a beautiful example of the Titus 2 woman. Rosie's Ramblings is her daughters blog - once again - the love of the Lord shines through in this young woman's blog.

That's it from me for tonight. Have a blessed week-end.

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