I Stand in Awe of You...

Africa - so beautiful and wild but broken...

Today I got word of a dear friend and her family (visit Nothing Ventured in my sidebar) who suffered a trauma that few people who live in 'safer' countries will ever experience. Another farm murder in South Africa. They are not the exception. My own family has been touched through crime - farm murders, hijackings, break-ins, my own husband hijacked twice, hearing the perpetrators discussing whether to shoot him in the head or the back.

After speaking to my friends sister - who is a very close friend too, I was just so struck at their faith that is burning SO brightly in the midst of the tragedy that struck their farm. She shared with me just how much prayer they have had from friends far and wide, and how that prayer has covered the children during this time. She shared about a prayer walk they did on Sunday, anointing the land, the boundaries, the posts, gates, river - every part of the farm. She shared how very special is was, and how amazing it was to be in God's presence.

All I can do is stand in awe of what a mighty God we serve. A God who can give hope and peace amidst grief and suffering, a God who can comfort in such a tangible way, a God who can unite His people through tragedy, a God who can turn all things for the good of those who love Him.

The only thing I could think of after putting down the phone after my call was 'What a MIGHTY MIGHTY God we serve.' All I wanted to do was to spend time in worship with Him. The faith of these hurting people, their example is uplifting and encouraging to my heart and soul.

If you feel lead tonight, wont you pray for my friend, her family and every person who was affected by this trauma? Pray for the family of the man who was murdered, for his critically wounded brother, for the safety and protection of all who live on the farm.

A Prayer for Africa

God, bless Africa
guard her children
guide her leaders
and give her peace;
for Jesus Christ's sake.


  1. Oh Shirley Ann, my prayers are added for this beautiful country and especially for your friends ...

  2. So sorry about your friend, I will be thinking of them.

  3. Thank you sweet friend for this beautiful post, and thank you for your prayers.

  4. I am praying for them; I have heard so much about the problems there.

  5. Oh Shirley, what a blessing it was to hear your voice as I sat on the farm after the trauma all had been through,thank you for your love and care from so far away and for your prayers. Love you lots xxx

  6. Amen to that. Africa is indeed an awesome land, may the hand of God be upon her


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