Monday, July 22, 2024

40 Favourite Cheshire Walks - Vale Royal

The Need To Get Outdoors

Last week was quite an eventful week! Mostly good but some really not so good.

The not so good was that we had to say goodbye to one of our beloved kitty cats.

Something was not quite right with her. We had noticed that she had been losing some weight over the past 4 weeks but didn't think much of it because she was still very happy and still got very excited about her food. Both my cats are overweight anyway and we put her weight loss down to her being a lot more active now that the weather has warmed up.

But then about two weeks ago we noticed that when she ate her dry food, she was making a lot of mess and favouring one side of her mouth when eating. So off to the vet we went.

The vet took bloods, and all was normal, but he did find signs of dental disease. He prescribed her an anti-inflammatory and we booked her in for a tooth extraction a week later (last week Thursday).

She seemed to be a bit happier on the anti-inflammatory medication, but eating was still a chore. She would still come down to ask for food, but she couldn't eat much. She started hiding away under her chosen human’s bed (my daughter).

Thursday arrived and off we went to the vet, hopeful that once that troublesome tooth was out she would return to her food-loving self and start to put on some of the weight she had lost.

Sadly, there must have been a deeper underlying problem. The first tooth came out without a problem but the next revealed a crumbling jaw - indicative that something more sinister was at play.

Then her heart stopped twice while under anaesthetic. They managed to revive her both times but after the second time she was no longer breathing for herself.

Then her heart stopped a third time. It was time to let her go.

She has left such a big gap in our home. She has been a family member since we arrived in the country and a beloved friend to our daughter throughout her teenage years.

We are so very blessed that we had 12 wonderful and relatively healthy years with her and we are going to miss her quirky behaviour and our little conversations that she would initiate with us each evening around bed time.

As a family we know the therapeutic benefits of getting outdoors and closer to nature. It’s where we can go to feel God’s healing hand. So off we went armed with our walking shoes, sunblock and a copy of Cheshire:40 Favourite Walks by John and Annie Fergusson.

Vale Royal Walk

The Royal Vale Walk is a 7km walk on paths, traches and through fields which took us roughly 2 hours 30 minutes.

We parked on under the trees on Royal Drive, opposite this lovely church in Whitegate (CW8 2BD).

As we arrived, we spotted the local primary school practicing their Maypole dancing! I have never seen this in action before, so we stopped for a while and watched them.

We then made our way back to our parked car - which was near this little house, how cute is this cottage!!!

Our walk took as along a wooded drive before leading us across the Vale Royal golf course and into a lovely golden wheat field.

It was a spectacular sight and so peaceful to be the only ones standing in the middle of all that gold! Watch a short video of our walk through the fields on my Instagram account.

We watched huge dragonflies' flit across the heads of wheat and spotted a huge murder of crows flying overhead. I've never seen so many crows in one place, and I have to say that it was amazing to watch them.

We crossed and left the field, descending into the cool woods. We followed a small track which led to a clearing with a metal bridge which traversed the Weaver River.

We took a few moments to admire the peacefulness of the river and watch a swan gracefully gliding on the water.

In the distance we could year the sound of falling water, so we followed the track towards the sound. I couldn't help but stop and snap a quick picture of this display of teasels. The butterflies love them and were very busy visiting each flower. Later in the season they will provide a welcome food source for birds such as goldfinch. It was a good reminder to plant some of these wildflowers in my own garden next year.

The thundering water turned out to be the Vale Royal Locks. The Victorian engineering evident at once. You can watch a short video of the water running over the edge of this sluice gate on my Instagram account.

The Vale Royal Lock system made the Weaver River navigable when Cheshire's salt production was at its height in the 18th and 19th centuries. Apparently, the river was an important route for exporting salt and importing coal.

The metal bridge which crosses the river at this section has been operating since 1732. I just love all the history that we encountered along this walk! This sluice gate pictured above operated as a lock until 1861.

These larger locks were built alongside it and opened in 1889. Being deeper and wider it allowed a steam tug towing three 300-ton barges to pass through in 15 minutes.

I would have LOVED to have seen that!

We crossed the bridge and turned right, starting a 2km stretch along the river. We passed a lovely canal dwelling couple and stopped for a little chat. She was hanging up their washing. He was sitting quietly watching a flock of geese who were enjoying playing the cool water on this hot day. 

It made Victoria and I want jump in and enjoy a bit of wild swimming. Perhaps this is something to investigate - wild swimming is very popular in the UK.

We found our path flanked on either side with water. On one side we had the man-made canal, on the other the Weaver River. We spotted a heron and a duck basking in the sunshine.

We also nearly stepped on a frog who crossed our path trying to get to the water. We stopped and helped him on his way.

Soon we spotted the large tower mentioned in our book. This marks the top of a mineshaft where much of the UK's road salt is brought to the surface - I didn't know that we produced much of the salt used to grit our roads!

Leaving the riverbank we made our way across Bradford Wood Farm, through two small fields and back to our car.

By this time, we were hot, thirsty, hungry and exhausted. So we decided to stop by The Hollies Farm shop - our favourite place to visit - and treat ourselves to an iced vanilla latte and a burger. The perfect way to finish a lovely country walk.

This was overall an easy walk with lots to see. The book lays out the route clearly and provides a lot of information about the area which we really enjoyed. 

In fact, I would say that this book (Cheshire 40 Favourite Walks) is one of the best walking guide books we have used to date. 

There are a couple of other books in this series covering other counties. I've popped Lancashire and The Lakes into my Amazon basket because it looks like we are going to be needing them soon...more on that in another post!

Given how well this walk went and how enjoyable and informative it was, my daughter and I are already planning our next weekday walk from this book.

Monday, July 08, 2024

July Home and Homeschool Links

Rabbit Rabbit! According to this old English and North American folklore saying, if these are the first words out of your mouth on the 1st of the month the rabbits will run away with your problems and you will have a month of good luck.

I always find folklore, culture and tradition interesting and I wonder what the origins of these things are.

In keeping with the topic, since March I have been watching a family of hares that have taken up residence in the hedgerows along the fields near our home. They can often be found in the early morning on our front lawn or in the horse's field in the late afternoon.

They are rather big, as big as my cats for sure and have huge eyes, ears and hind legs - all essential to avoid predators!

Now, a month or two ago I was browsing through past blog posts and thought that it would be rather nice to do a little round-up on the first of each month of past blog posts for that month that I have written over the years. 

So, Kicking off my peek-back-in-time of July posts I want to share my July Seasonal Themes and Planning post.

These are plans that I put together years ago, one for each month of the year. It's a list of seasonal observances, celebrations and ideas to do and enjoy together as a family to celebrate the year. Each year I print off my plans, update, add to and change a few things to keep them fresh, and voila! We have a list of fun things to do and observe for the month.

Summer Pinterest Board

Check out my 'Summer' Pinterest board that's packed with fun things to do and try over the summer. Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest, I'm an avid pinner and am always adding to my boards. 

July Nature Study

Nature Study had to be one of the highlights of our homeschool week. Every Friday we would have our morning basket time, do a bit of Maths and English, then spend a good few hours on nature study. We would read a living nature-related book, take a walk outdoors for at least an hour, then return home for lunch and nature journaling time. Here are some of my top July nature study posts:

OHC - Grid Study
OHC - Cuckoo Spit, Froghoppers and Other Things
OHC - The Great British Weather
Bee Nature Study

The Patriotic Homeschool

I have been a contributing author for The Curriculum Choice website for years. It's a great resource filled with reviews on curriculum and great posts that are helpful and encouraging. Do bookmark it as a resource.

Last year I hosted an authors post where we focused on The Patriotic Homeschool. This post is filled with some great ideas and good reads around this topic so please do pop on over if you are looking for some fun patriotic ideas. July is, after all, the perfect month to explore this theme in the U.S

So my lovelies, I hope that this post inspires fun and learning in your own July. I'm going to be re-looking at those plans, adjusting them to fit in with our now grown children and busy working lives. There is always an opportunity to mark and enjoy the season, no matter what season of life you are in. It's part of those simple things that make life and living beautiful.

Blessings to you all this week.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Sunday Reflections: Make It Your Ambition To Lead a Quiet Life

Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you - 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 NIV

God gave me this verse and Deut 6:7 in 2006 when He led us on a journey that was very much 'counterculture' and not the norm. He blessed us and gave us the great privilege of homeschooling our children. He showed us how to live a quiet life that left the hustle-and-bustle of the world outside to a large extent.

This verse as long been one of my favourite verses and the desire of my heart and soul which I know was planted by God and very much in line with how He created me. I have always found fulfilment and peace in the simple things, in God's creation, in my home and role as a wife, mother and as a Christian.

It's funny, because I have been on this academic journey and done quite well (I passed the Bar Course BTW with a High Distinction!), yet I have felt a sense of disquiet over the past couple of years about pursuing a career in law.

Why? I wondered. 

Well, because it goes against my innermost being and who I was created to be. I absolutely believe that God has a purpose for each of us and some of us are purposed to be lawyers, doctors, teachers and so on.

But if I examine closely my nature and the inclinations displayed in my childhood, and if I pay close attention to the things that bring me the most peace and joy - those things which make me a better person who is able to reach into the lives of others and share God's love, then I can see where I should be placing my efforts and where I should be working.

Oh, God is faithful! He closes doors, opens others, gently places things in our paths and leads us along the way that we should go. We don't always recognise it when we see it. We try to take matters into our own hands and attempt to make our own way and shape our own destiny, often settling for so much less than what God has in mind for us.

We can be blind to what really ought to be quite clear. 

But once we are sure about the path God wants us to take, we will need to set aside all our 'but how's' and our 'but what if's' and our fears and step out in faith.

Stepping out in faith reminds me of that scene from the 'India Jones: Last Crusade' movie. He stands on the precipice of a great chasm. He needs to cross it to get to the room where the grail knight guards a room full of chalices, one of which is the Holy Grail, the cup of life.

He closes his eyes and steps out in faith. His foot lands on a solid rock bridge which could not be seen with the naked eye, and he safely crosses the great chasm.

Sometimes we need to step out in faith, even when we cannot see how we will make it to the other side and the unknown seems terrifying.

Isn't that what it means when we as Christians 'live by faith'? 

We trust God to show us the way. We trust Him to lead us, to make it clear so that we understand, and we surrender ourselves to Him in all areas of our lives, not holding on to the bits we feel we are better equipped to control.

I wonder what it is that you are grappling with right now

Is God calling you to something that appears impossible?

Are you standing on the precipice of a chasm, and you are not sure how you will get across to the other side?

Are you scared to step out in faith?

"I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jer 29:11

We have all been there. We have all wondered if the decision we are making is the right one. Sometimes it is easier to keep the status quo and stay in our comfort zone, to stick with what we know works even if it makes us unhappy, even if it means we will not experience the wonder of seeing God's hand in our lives.

"Be strong and courageous" For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Josh 1:9

I want to tell you that this promise from Joshua 1:9 is true. 

In my own life I have seen God make a way where the world's wisdom, should never ever have happened.

We stepped out in faith and obedience when God called us to homeschool.

We stepped out in faith and obedience when God impressed on my heart to keep teaching them in the way He had shown us which was absolutely not the way the education system works in the UK.

And He opened doors! You can read about it HERE.

Sometimes, we are like the Israelites

We forget God's goodness.

We forget God's provision.

We forget that He loves us and has a plan for us.

Instead of trusting Him, we wander around the desert surviving, but never fully living in abundance.

By not stepping out in faith, we deprive ourselves of seeing His mighty hand at work in our lives. We deprive ourselves of seeing a way being made where there shouldn't be one. We deprive ourselves of growing in faith and experiencing His peace and joy.

I don't know what decisions you have to make today...

But I want you to know that God is big enough to handle whatever it is. He is big enough to make a way, but you need to reach out, put your hand in His, and take the first step.

That is exactly what I will be doing today and every day (for faith is not a single action but a daily sacrifice).

Blessings in Christ,


Saturday, July 06, 2024

Under An English Sky's 2024 Autumn Knitting Show Calendar

Now I know that we have only just squeeked into summer but some events need a bit of forewarning so that we can clear our calendars and treat ourselves.

I didn't think that I would get to take Under An English Sky Yarns to many shows this year. I had managed to secure a place at two most local-to-me shows which I was very happy about and I was wait listed for two of the bigger shows.

I honestly was not holding out much hope as these shows are very popular and my business is very small - although growing. As it turns out, I have been blessed with some last-minute places at two of my favourite shows!

I'm so incredibly happy becasue this is what I want to do - dye yarn, knit, craft and grow things!

 Autumn is a lovely time to treat yourself to a good-old craft show. I've been doing it for years and it is something I look forward each year. There is something about the dipping temperatures and shortening days that triggers an automatic reaching for yarn and needles! 

Of course we have so many lovely holidays to celebrate over the autumn, all of which cry out for new knitwear, and Christmas gifting to think about too. I always find a visit to a show provides a great opportunity not only to choose the perfect gift for a crafty friend, but also to be inspired by all the yarn, fabrics and threads that have been curated under one roof.

This year I am treating myself to a trip to the Festival of Quilts show in Birmingham and to the Knitting & Stitching Show in Harrogate. I'm going with a very dear friend so I'm looking forward to combining awesome company with yarn, fabrics and threads!

2024 Autumn Show Calendar

From a business point of view I am taking Under An English Sky Yarns to four shows and I would LOVE to say hi to all the friends I have met at past shows and meet new ones too! A girl can never have too many crafty friends!

So if you decide to treat yourself, this is where you can find me:


17th - Popup Wool Show - Hulme Hall, 23 Bolton Road, Bebbington, Port Sunlight, Wirral, CH62 5DH


15th - Yarn Gathering - 10am - 4pm - Daniel Owen Centre, Mold, Flintshire, CH7 1AP

28th - 29th - Yarndale, 10am - 5pm Saturday, 10am - 4:30 Sunday - Skipton Auction Mart, Gargrave Road, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD 23 1UD


19th - 20th October - Bakewell Wool Gathering, 10am - 4pm, Lady Manners School, Shutts Lane, Bakewell, DE45 1JA

I've included links to each shows website so you can have a look at what each show has to offer.

Yarndale and Bakewell are big shows so if you prefer something a little quieter then the Popup Show and the Yarn Gathering may be more up your street.

That just about wraps up this post. I do hope that you will visit one of the shows and if you do, please make sure that you come and say hi.

Now I'm off to plan my knits for the show - what will you be knitting to wear?

Monday, June 24, 2024

Episode 3 of my Podcast is now live!

Hello Lovelies! 

I am working on a whole lot of new blog posts but I just wanted to pop in and let you know that I've just published a new episode of my podcast on Youtube.

If you like it please will you give it a like and consider subscribing to my channel. I would so appreciate it and of course we get to chat face to face!