Whispers of Spring

I was washing up the dishes this morning and noticed a little robin sitting on the roof of my garage. He was just surveying his surrounds quietly. Then off he flew. I dried my hands and stepped out the back door, there he was again, perched high up on a twig. His view now reaching further than just the immediate neighbouring gardens

Oh, to be a bird and be able to remove yourself from the hustle and bustle of the world below. It reminded me of The Swing, a poem by Robert Louis Stevenson. 

As a child we lived in a house on a hill, you could see for miles as our suburb was new and the surrounding areas undeveloped. I could see the cars and lorry's beetling along the road in the distance and for some reason, it was comforting to know that the world was going about its business and I was safely at home.

We are expecting rain today so while the skies were clear I thought I would go for a walk along the canal. With our move set to happen over the next few weeks, I want to enjoy this familiar walk as much as possible. Although I must admit, I'm looking forward to discovering more walks with a lot less traffic to have to navigate before I reach a tranquil setting!

Even as I walked along the towpath, the clouds began to roll in and the wind pick up. I always love seeing the canal boats moored up alongside the towpath. In winter many of them have their woodstoves burning and soft plumes of woodsmoke drift gently into the icy air. I think they would make a lovely illustration.

Back home and it's time to feed the birds and top up their water. I've noticed a marked increase in bird activity of late. I love watching the robins dart in and out of the garden, and the blackbirds as they hop about in the flower beds, picking at fallen leaves to see what tasty morsels they can find to eat.

My attention turns to the garden which is beginning to show signs of life. A sense of joy wells up when I see winter flowering plants doing well like my snowdrops and hellebores and especially when I see spring bulbs pushing through the earth.

March is the month I look forward to most as there seems to be a tangible difference in the days. It may still be predominantly stormy and grey, but the days are longer and that makes such a difference.

Anyhoo lovelies, I hope that you are having a good week and finding lots of ordinary things to take joy in. Apparently we are expecting sunnier days later this week, so I am going to make the most of that! I'm feeling the urge to start planting again - I'll have to check my month-by-month gardening book and see what I can start to sow!

Until next time...

Weekending in The Lake District & A Few Thoughts for February

We had expected to be in our new home by now however, we are still waiting for our house sale to go through. It's been an age and quite frankly, we just want to get this done now. We are craving being back in the countryside and cannot wait to start a new chapter in our little cottage up on the Lancashire/Cumbrian border.

So what do you do? Well, you book a weekend on Lake Windermere to ease your woes.

We found a great New Year's deal at the McDonald Old England hotel on Bowness-on-Windermere. The hotel is on the waters edge so we enjoyed eating breakfast overlooking the water.

Old England Hotel from the Water

We were slightly concerned as the day we were set to travel up to Cumbria, the UK was expecting dangerous gale-force winds across the region. However, we left after work on Friday by which time the worst of the winds had passed.

On Saturday morning we woke up to the most gorgeous day we've had this winter! Clear skies, not a breath of wind...just stunning!

We decided to hire a little self-drive boat for an hour and pootle about the lake. 

Memories of the adventures of the Swallows and Amazons which I'd read to my children came flooding back. All my most loved heros have lived a life in this area. Beatrix Potter, Charlotte Mason...I felt completley at home and at peace.

I confess that I have had a moment or two during this whole house selling and buying business that has caused me a wobble or two. But being back in Cumbria I just knew that the move is the right thing at the right time for us.

After pootling about the lake we took a drive around Lake Windermere - it is so nice in winter. Very little congestion and few visitors. Apparantly it is almost unpleasant in summer with the amount of visitors that visit the Lake District.  But who can blame anyone for wanting to escape cities for this landscape!

The opposite side of the lake to where we were staying is not really devloped for tourists - perfect! If I had an unlimited budget, I'd definitely be buying a lakeside house. I probably wouldn't get a thing done - I'd be hypnotised by the view!

All too soon our weekend in paradise was over and we returned to our suburban home, a little more motivated to start packing those boxes!

North West Winter Wool Festival

February is set to fly by, we have the North West Winter Wool Festival in a little under 2 weeks - so there is a LOT going into that at the moment. 

Saturday tickets have reached capacity for the venue so we have had to stop selling tickets for that day. How incredable is that! Tickets are still on sale for Sunday however, if people want to book any Saturday workshops we will be issuing show tickets for them. So email us on northwestwinterwoolfestival@gmail.com if you are wanting to do that.

February Love...

Apart from the show and hopefully our house move, there is lots to love about February! I've got my little Valentines heart tree out. Of course, it's not going to be a slow Valentines weekend for us as we will be working at the show but it's nice to mark the season with a bit of home decor.

I've enjoyed having bunches daffodils brightening up my home during Janaury. It's one of those little things that is part of the rhythm of my year. Gloomy January is cheered up with daffodils.

In the Garden

I was working in the garden yesterday - mainly helping my husband repair a fence that had blown over in last weeks storm, and found a little bunch of snowdrops! I love seeing the garden slowly waking up. I always find it so sad to see the state of it in the winter months. Snowdrops are just the reminder we need that no season lasts forever!

We have enjoyed some lovely frosty mornings this winter. I love the way spiders webs freeze up and look like delicate pieces of jewellery. I've been taking time to once again appreciate the small things in life - it makes such a difference to ones outlook wouldn't you agree?

I've snipped a few Forsythia branches from the garden and brought them indoors to force. 

I think I may do a journal entry documenting the process. It's been a long while since I picked up my journal and I must say that I miss it!

February Ponderings

Its funny how life seasons change, disrupting your rhythm and changing the course of your habits isn't it?

Just like the fierce storms we have had, they cause turmoil, rip things away, and leave behind some form of devistation that needs to be cleaned up and put back together, often leavning life looking very different.

Since taking the decision to close my yarn business, I have been through my Instagram doing a bit of housekeeping and archiving some photographs. I realised how single focused my life has become, whether it was on yarn or during my legal studies. 

Quite frankly, I don't like it! 

I believe that this is a great danger in life becoming mundane and lacking in joy and appreciation of the small, ordinary things when we set them aside in favour of achieving a goal to the exclusion of all else. 

Every so often, we are given the opportunity to confront our choices, review our life and decide if we like what we see or if it is time for a change.

For me, it's time for a change. I think our house move, the end of my studies and trying to make a business from my hobby is that juncture. Workwise, I'm in a good place. I have the yarn show which is going really well, I'd like to build on this and arrange another one for the autumn. I have also just been appointed as a county court advocate which allows me to decide how and when I work. 

It gives me the flexiblity I've been looking for to build a balanced life that includes time for the things that are important to me, like getting outdoors, painting, visiting friends, getting involved with my church and other groups. I am determined that 2025 is going to be a year of appreciating the small things and moments.

What are you hoping for in 2025? 

Anyhoo lovelies, I hope that you have a lovely week whatever your plans are. I look forward to catching up with you a bit later in the week.

Time To Say Goodbye To My Yarn Shop

 Hello Lovelies,

I hope that you all had a FANTASTIC Christmas break and are ready to tackle 2025!

As many of you know, I have dipped my toe into the world of event organising and we are 39 days away from hosting the North West Winter Wool Festival in the North West. I have really enjoyed the process of curating and pulling together such a big event. It makes me happy to be able to provide a platform for small business owners as well as an event that brings people joy and this plays some part in my announcement...

In December I put my yarn shop on a month-long break as my yarn was on consignment in a independant yarn shop. As I contemplated 2025, I realised that I have been dyeing and selling yarn since 2015. It's been a wonderful and rewarding journey. I've met amazing people and experienced the show circuit which pushed me out of my comfort zone. I never thought I would every take my yarn to a show, let alone some of the biggest shows in the UK! 

However, I realised that the time has come to pack away the dye pots and move onto my next adventure. Running a small craft business is hard work and full on. I am certainly not one to shy away from hard work but when your hobby turns into a business it tends to lose some of the joy. I don't want to lose my joy of creating and so while it's a little sad to be closing the door on this part of my life, it feels like the right decision.

It will take a little while to finish things up here so if you have your eye on something lovely from my Etsy Shop please treat yourself soon.

I have reduced all my prices as I need to clear as much stock as possible before our move. All my yarn is now £15 per skein. Semi-solid colours are just £10 per skein. 

I will be adding a lot of show stock items to the shop over the coming weeks such as knitting needles, crochet hooks, and sweet little felting kits, so keep you eye out for those. 

I suspect that it will take a little while to wrap everything up, I'm hoping to have all my stock sold off by the end of February. I will take what is left to the North West Winter Wool Festival in February so if you want to grab some of the last skeins of Under An English Sky Yarn please do so soon.

Under an English Sky blog and Instagram account will revert back to what it was always intended to be... a little spot to share little snippets around the home, seasons and countryside. 

Thank you so much for supporting my little yarn business over the years, I really appreciate it.

The Big Garden Birdwatch Homeschool Resource: Everything You Need To Know!

Its January and traditionally that means its the month of the Big Garden Birdwatch. I'm publishing this article early so that you have plenty of time to register your participation and get prepared.

In our homeschool we have enjoyed participating in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch each year. Its a fantastic way of being part of a nationwide citizen science project while helping out the birds in your area to survive these cold winter days.

Big Garden Birdwatch Posts From the Archives

What Is The Big Garden Birdwatch? 

Every year, people take part in the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch by counting the birds they see in their garden.

Its been going for 45 years already! Can you believe that?

The Big Garden Birdwatch provides important data on how our garden birds are faring across the UK.

When Does It Take Place?

The Big Garden Birdwatch happens once each year over the last weekend in January.

Who Can Take Part?

Anyone! Even if you are not 'scientifically minded' this is a great way to participate and a countrywide citizen science initiative!

How Can We Take Part?

  • All you need to do is make sure that you keep your feeders well stocked for your feathered friends. 

  • Then spend just one hour watching and recording the birds in your garden or in your local green space. Then send your results to the RSPB by submitting them on their website.

Big Garden Birdwatch Resources

Don't forget to register on the RSPB's website to take part and download your bird counting pack!

Start By Getting To Know The Top Ten Birds Reported In The Big Garden Birdwatch 2024

If you are just starting out on your Big Garden Birdwatch adventure then you may want to familiarise yourself with last years top ten Big Garden Birdwatch birds. Many of these birds may already be known to you and be regular visitors to your garden, they certainly are regular visitors to my garden.
You will want to ensure that you are feeding the birds well in advance of the Big Garden Birdwatch. Word does get round quickly but in order to have a good turnout for your count you want it to become known amongst our feathered friends that you are a reliable source of food!

  • Place your bird feeders and tables in a quiet spot where the birds won't be disturbed. Dont place them too close to bushes, you may think that you are doing them a favour but you are not. Cats love to hide in shrubs and pounce on our poor unsuspecting feathered friends.
  • Provide a variety of food. There are lots of different foods available but try to avoid foods that have 'fillers' such as dried peas and beans. The birds don't usually eat those.
  • Dont forget to provide water, birds get thirsty and would welcome a good drink of water, especially if you have had a prolonged period of ice and snow.
  • Remember to keep your feeders clean. A good clean once a week with warm soapy water is all you need. Make sure that the feeder is completely dry before refilling.

Nature Journal Your Big Garden Birdwatch Experience

The Big Garden Birdwatch is a great nature study project. You get to learn about the birds that visit your garden in preperation for the big weekend and you can create a lovely nature journal page to record your data. here are some of my own nature journal pages from previous years...