Thursday, May 02, 2024

Spring Beginnings - Under An English Sky Podcast Relaunched!

 I am so excited to finally bring you the relaunch of the Under An English Sky Podcast.

It has been a long time coming and as I explain in the video, the timing has not been right until now.

This episode is especially long (just over an hour) because there was a lot to catch up on since my last episode 3 years ago. Wow! I cannot believet hat it has been that long already.

Future episodes will not be as long. I will aim to keep them at around 45 minutes and I plan to have some much shorter chat videos of around 10 minutes each.

If you are wondering what sort of things I chat about, this episode covers the following topics:

  • Empty Nest Syndrom and dealing with the question of "What is Next" as you move into a new life season.
  • Two projects off the needles
  • Projects I am working on right now
  • Quilting and and what I am working on
  • I am sharing two books from my crafty book shelf, one on knitting and one on quilting.
  • Spring Yarn Inspiration - two spring inspired yarns from my collection and the stories behind them.

The podcast will focus on things I'm passionate about like being a homemaker, traditional home crafts, knitting and dying yarn, quilting, stitching, nature journaling and seasonal living. 

I do hope that you enjoy it. If you do, please consider subscribing to my YouTube channel and hitting the little bell icon to recieve notifications when new videos are published.

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